Wednesday 30 December 2015

Sims challenge idea!

My new idea: The Sims 4 Master Skill Sim challenge!

Get a single Sim, the founder of this challenge. The aim of it is to get every single skill mastered at level 10.
1. No cheats.
2. No mods to help out.
3. Just the one sim counts.
4. You have to start with an empty lot.
5. The house needs to be bedroom, bathroom, kitchen.
6. Challenge failed if Sim dies.
7. The starting money after house is built is exactly 500 simoleons.

Hope you enjoy the challenge!

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Is my character plain dumb or stupid. You're crazy, Akinator.
He said: I think I know who you are thinking of - BUT THIS IS NOT FOR CHILDREN. I will seriously murder you for not letting me do Stampy, Akinator. PS I'm totally addicted.
GMM: I did it I did it I did it. (well, it said Link / RhettandLink, but Link's one of the hosts in GMM. I am addicted.
Is your character married to a human. Well, I did say they were real, and how can you marry an animal? Crazy. He guessed Vix without me typing this time. Woohoo.
He guessed Tori off Victorious. But can he guess Cat Valentine? YES. This is creepy. Carly? OMG yes. But what 'bout Sam? YES. Not playing anymore.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Soooo Fun!

Hey, just was playing Akinator (awesome web game) and I was trying to make it guess Vixella, the Sims youtuber who introduced me to Akinator. And it asked: does your character make POTATO YOUTUBE VIDEOS! Really, Akinator? You're a bit... dumb, Akinator.
2 asks later.... IS MY CHARACTER ASSOCIATED WITH STAMPY CAT? Akinator, do you even know who Sasha IS?
3 asks later.... STAMPYLONGNOSE NOW? Aren't Stampy cat and stanpylongnose the exact same person? Oh, just ignore my rambling.
4 asks later.... How does Akinator know Good Mythical Morning's one of my fave youtubers? Nobody is safe.
I defeated the Akinator! Total Achievement! I had to type Vixella in myself! WOOOO! Yay! I am now trying Stampy.... then Good Mythical Morning (GMM)...

Saturday 25 April 2015

Sims 4 Get to Work Rags to Riches slash best video ever!!!

This is one of my favourite you tube videos. It's a Sims 4 Get to Work lets play by TheSimSupply, one of my favourite youtubers as well as Vixella and Lifesimmer and TheEnglishSimmer and Deligracy. You've gotta watch this!

Sunday 22 March 2015

Yeh... you should read...

I'd recommend not to have the posts archive page up at the side because it takes you f-o-r-e-v-e-r to scroll down on my current background, with the arty paint splodges and black.


I love Minecraft, I'm literally addicted. I looked up some people's creations and wow, most of them were fantastic! There was a castle, which is, like, one million times better than my diamond castle, and the good castle has proper stone turrets and big doors and had a couple of levels. I am going to try and make an amazing castle like that. One day. Has anyone got any ideas of what else I can build in Minecraft, keeping in mind I have pocket edition on my iPad?

Sunday 15 March 2015

Happy New Year

Sorry I've not posted for practically ages. But new year, new start, okay? It's just that my blog has been glitching so I had to make it so I could post.

Anyway, Happy New Year, hope you guys have had a lovely start. I just had my B-day, and got heaps of cool presents. Hey, great big shout out to my BFFs Emma, and JJ.
See you guys! (as if anyone knows I exist.)